Sunday, October 4, 2009

What, another one?

Yes, it's yet another blog about how to make the most out of little.

So, this begs the question, why bother?

The answer is simple: because so many of these blogs end up being abandoned after a while. Maybe people get tired of posting stuff for nothing. Maybe people get busy and have little time to make updates. Maybe they ran out of ideas or didn't have a lot of feedback from others.

No matter. I'm writing this for myself, and if others enjoy what I've written, then maybe they will donate to the cause or contribute. But I'm not expecting it.

Hopefully, what I learn in the process of paring down even further from where I am now will help others.

My goal is to build and move into a small house that is a total of 128 square feet with a 40 square foot loft. And own my house outright before my friends and peers who are still paying on their mortgages. A secondary goal is to make the house as self-sufficient as possible without making excessive compromises. The house will be designed for two people and a small child to live comfortably.

I'm quite a long way from even starting to build the house. Currently I share an RV lot with two other people. I have a separate Class B RV to sleep in and do things like write this blog, and I share bathroom facilities with the Class A RV on the lot. The building of the house will be several states away from my location, and will be done fairly quickly once I have saved up enough to purchase the raw materials to build the outer shell plus plumbing and electricity.

Are you ready to share in my experience? Maybe you'll get something out of it, too.

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